quinta-feira, setembro 29, 2005

LX SSH por trás de um Firewall usando HTTP

httptunnel makes a remote server's tcp port locally available. The connection runs over two little programs (hts and htc), which communicate in http like a browser and webserver.


* on the server (as root, because port 80 < 1024):

$ hts --no-daemon --forward-port localhost:22 80

* on the client:

$ htc --no-daemon --forward-port 8888 --proxy proxy:8080 --proxy-authorization jfranken:geheim hamster:80 &
$ ssh -p 8888 -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes localhost

My version of httptunnel (v3.3) still has some bugs:

* only one connection at a time can use the tunnel
* a bug makes hts miss the end of proxied connections. You have to kill and restart it after each session.

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